How can “Limited government!” and “No abortions!” be stated in the same (Republican) political platform?

Here’s one of the Doonesbury cartoons recently censored by several newspapers, and a message your friendly neighborhood white, middle-aged male Republican legislator doesn’t want you to read:

The Kansas City Star was one of the newspapers which refused to run the current comic thread concerning a new Texas law, heartily supported by Governor Rick Good Hair Perry, that requires intrusive sonogram examinations prior to receiving an abortion.

“God says, ‘Black people are scary!’ “

From the wisest of political cartoonists…here is today’s creation by Mr. Trudeau:

Just remember, kids. When you have a president who has a list of accomplishments as long as this, and the barking ignorant (birthers, neocons, Republican Party nominees, etc.) claim that he’s done little or nothing, what other possible reason is there for denigrating him?