What does that say?

Dick Santorum mentions gay sex (not gay marriage or gay “lifestyle”) in 43% of his public speeches. He repeatedly compares gay sex to bestiality and pedophilia, and tells rape victims to “make the best of a bad situation”. What does that say about him?

Willard Romney has greatly resisted any sort of transparency about his income tax records. At first he announces that he would not release any of them. Then he claims he’ll release 2011 tax returns in April. Now he says he’ll disclose 2009 and 2010 returns on Tuesday. What does that say about him?

Newton Gingrich remains an inconsistent force in the primaries. Last year he said (simultaneously) that America was in danger of being both an Islamic theocracy and an atheist nation. He cheated on two wives (and married his mistresses) while claiming that he was “driven” to adultery due to his passionate patriotism. What does that say about him?

Ron Paul maintains friendly relationships with and refuses to disavow support from white supremacist groups such as Stormfront. Likewise, Paul refuses to disavow the writings of Lew Rockwell that appear in Ron Paul’s newsletters (edited by Rockwell) that are filled with racism (“the coming race wars“), homophobia (“First, these men [gays] don’t really see a reason to live past their fifties“), and wild-eyed conspiracy theories (“Evidence indicated the Anti-Defamation League monitored such groups as the Davidians in Waco, and may have helped instigate the attack“). What does that say about him?

Does the Republican Party really think it can field a winning candidate in 2012?

What does that say about them?