The rush to dump Rush

I have been staying out of the latest Limbaugh misogyny debacle. He’s an ignorant toad that thrives on the attention of the media, loathes women/gays/minorities, and as such deserves no notice at all. (Notice he has the wet end of a large phallic symbol shoved in his mouth at every photo op?)

However, there are those on all points on the political spectrum who claim that the movement to devoid his media presentations of advertising dollars has gone too far:

However, those who demand a cessation to the “witch hunt” fail to recognize something. Other media celebrities have made disparaging remarks about women they don’t like, but Limbaugh has made a career out of fear, hatred, and misogyny. This rush to strip him of the ability to speak on his own public forum (which is not censorship — a fact realized by anyone who knows how to use a dictionary) is nothing more than a reaction to his lifelong career of woman-bashing:

Don’t you loathe Limbaugh’s claim that a woman “wanting sex” = a woman “with no morals”?

Now do we all understand why Limbaugh’s tepid apology hasn’t been accepted by so many advertisers? Particularly in light of his latest verbal attack on a woman?